Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Xereth.

This unnamed vessel was a 25th century Romulan starship, a Romulan Republic Dhelan-class warbird in Romulan Republic Navy service in the 2400s decade. Its commanding officer was the Reman Commander Xereth. (STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "Shadow Play")

Service history[]

In the year 2409, Xereth's warbird travelled to Cirini Prime in the Unroth sector. The Cirini Prime Colony was independent from either the Romulan Republic and the Tal Shiar-controlled Romulan Star Empire. The Tal Shiar blockaded the planet to pressure the colony to rejoin the Empire.

Around that time, a Federation Starfleet ship returned the previously abducted Cirini citizen T'Kela to Cirini Prime. When they departed to investigate Virinat survivor Relken's claim, Tal Shiar Commander Tarlea and her ship attempted to intercept the Starfleet ship. Xereth arrived in time to support Starfleet in the battle squeezed between the planet and the Tal Shiar shield barrier. Following the destruction of Tarlea's D'deridex-class warbird, Xereth remained behind at Cirini Prime while Starfleet left to collect evidence of Tal Shiar crimes at Virinat. (STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "Shadow Play")



Dhelan-class warbirds
Romulan Republic Navy Ca'wwrD'serekDhelanHastaHyperianKerexXereth's warbirdDhael-subclass: DhaelHathos-subclass: Hathos Romulan Republic icon image.
Reman Resistance Dhael-subclass: Decimus Reman icon image.
Romulan Star Empire, Tal Shiar Llaihr-subclass: LlaihrMandukar-subclass: Mandukar Tal Shiar icon image.
Romulan Republic/Alliance
(mirror universe)
Dhelan Romulus icon image.


External link[]
