Xial was a province on Vulcan.
It was only completely land locked region on the Na'nam continent and consisted primarily of equatorial desert. However, despite this fact, it was considered a strategic location between the great cities of ShirKahr and Vulcana Regar. There was extensive solar powered hydroponic farming complexes that dot the flat rolling landscape. Ironically, this also made Xial famous as the "breadbasket" of Vulcan. During the night, farmers often loaded freshly harvested fruits, grains and vegetables on hundreds of gravbarges for shipment to the two cities and beyond. This trail of constantly flashing lights passing through the desert night sky was vividly etched in the minds and memories of any native of Xial though not all remembered it this fondly.
Due to its nature, Xial was a natural choice for being the Vulcan Subministry of Agriculture and were located in the quiet town of Chi-ree located in the north central part of the province which held a population of 80,000 with 15,000 working or studying for the Subministry. Offworlders had little reason to visit this region but it played an important role in the lives of Vulcans for it contained the holiest site on the planet which was Mount Seleya located in the southeast part of Xial and was where the traditional rituals were conducted. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)