Yagra IV was a planet, the fourth planet of the Epsilon Carinae system, located halfway between the United Worlds of the Kaldorni Systems and Beystohn Amalgamated League of Planets in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. It was the homeworld of a developing civilization of shape-shifting felines.
History and specifics[]
Yagra IV had a tropical environment and high gravity.
In 2274, the Kaldorni Worlds and Beystohn League filed competing exploitation rights claims to expand their territories into the Yagra system and establish colonies on Yagra IV. When Yagra IV was found to be inhabited, USS Enterprise personnel recommended it be quarantined per the Prime Directive. Shansar II and Shansar IV in the neighboring Shansar system were recommended as alternative colonial sites. (TOS novel: Enemy Unseen)
Notable residents[]
- Srrawll Ktenten
Stars, systems and objects of the Carina constellation |
Alpha Carinae/Canopus/Suhail/7 Carinae: Planet Alpha Carinae, Alpha Carinae II, Canopus III, Canopus IV, Alpha Carinae V, Canopus Planet, Canopus Major • Beta Carinae/Miaplacidas/123 Carinae: Miaplacidus II, Miaplacidus V, Beta Carina VI • Carinae system • Carinae Delta: Carinae Delta V • Epsilon Carinae/Avior/Yagra/89 Carinae: Yagra IV, Avior VIII • Eta Carinae Nebula • Iota Carinae/Scutulum/127 Carinae: Scutulum III |