Señora Yma Árbol was a fictional 20th century Human woman, the villain in the 24th century holonovel Tigers of the Deep.
Fictional biography[]
In the 1950s decade, Árbol led a group of pirates in plundering and sinking seagoing vessels in the Caribbean with their Russian submarine Yakutsk. They discovered the sunken city of Atlantis, finding that much of it had airtight regions that could serve as a base for their criminal operations.
The number of unexplained ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle led to the United States Navy hiring a freelance team of retired naval officers to investigate. Árbol was in the thick of the matter, playing poker with one of their team members, Frenchy, and managed to gamble a new submarine engine away from him. Temptress Árbol was willing to let Dick Fuller win it back, but flirted with him the whole time to try to keep him distracted.
Later, Árbol and her pirates captured Fuller, Frenchy, and their team in her Atlantis base, and locked them in the dungeon. They hoped to interrogate them and gain the secrets of Wendy Staton's sonar equipment.
Eventually, Árbol commanded Yakutsk in a sea battle against Fuller's sub, the refitted USS Bengal, and died during the conflict. (Last Unicorn RPG - Holodeck Adventures module: Tigers of the Deep)