Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Yridia was a star with an associated system, a G type yellow star located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. (ST references: Star Charts, Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library)

History and specifics[]

The Yridia system's orbit was the location of a planetary system, including Yridia I and Yridia Prime, homeworld of the Yridian civilization.

This system was in the vicinity of the Yridia Nebula. (DSC episodes: "Lethe", "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" set decoration viewscreens)

In the Kelvin timeline, in the 23rd century, the Yridia vicinity was in neutral space unclaimed by major governments, located at coordinates -5005, -1405. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

The system has an ID code of 55 in the game software and the player is likely to encounter an Orion slaver vessel here.

In the Federation-Klingon War of 2256-2257, Yridia was occupied by the Klingon Empire. (DSC episode: "The War Without, The War Within" set decoration viewscreens)

By the later 24th century, this was a Federation system. (ST reference: Star Charts)

In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started.

System makeup[]

Yridian primary star



vicinity of Yridia star system
stars and systems BohvanderroBridfordLandiTellun (in Beta Quadrant)SolustaYridia (in Beta Quadrant) Locator logo showing the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant.
Tellun system Tellun system primary star: ElasTroyius Locator logo showing the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.
Yridia system Yridia system primary star: Yridia PrimeYridia I
vicinity of Yridia Nebula
Klingon stars and star systems
14 Cancri14 Leonis15 Leporis15 Lyncis16 Cancri18 Eridani2 Corvi22 Hydrae24 Geminorum27 Geminorum26 Monocerotis3 Coronae Borealis38 Lyncis42 Boötis43 Andromedae48 Aquarii54 Geminorum57 Andromedae (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • 59 Eridani6 Delphini67 Eridani7 Aurigae75 Geminorum8 Aurigae8 MonocerotisAaladAberrizAgenaAgiirratAiligAlam'ak (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • AlhenaAlmachAlpha MonocerotisAltanis IdrilonAmarAquilaArchanisArktoArnosAxanarAxelotAzragaBaldukBaumeisterBehr'akBelenniiBeta AndromedaeBeta BoötisBeta CentauriBeta Coronae BorealisBeta DelphiniBeta EridaniBeta LankalBeta PentheBeta ThoridorB'MothBorethBortasBrestantBritanniaBurukCambraCernenCerzomChaj DaqChIyt'Iyqchotegh nglyevchuDeghchunI'HuqCossinaCursaCzar'akDa'KelDaSqorDayosDellerenDelta CyannaDelta KhinahDelta LeporisDelta OrcusDepIpDevIyghDhum'QhaDhu'QuaDIpeyjDIyn'IDoHDoHInupDoltecDon'zaliDoralaDovIDDu'chigh DoghiqDurandalElkauronEpsilon AurigaeEpsilon CorviEpsilon EridaniEpsilon GeminorumEpsilon MonocerotisEta SerpentisFev'TokForcasFuh'RhudGaldonterreGamma Andromedae (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • Gamma AquariiGamma EridonGamma GeminorumGanaldaGanarraGareth NarGhap'opghocho tlhengGhombaGhoq'ayghoy'HIGhuyjGilaGorathGorth'narGrafGr'othHadarHaleeHamalzH'atoriaHegh'taHeQ'ovHernandez-EHeyp'uwlHeyQ'oyHoq'ey'ngHor-chaHrakkourIkaalIkaliaIota Geminorumjo'HoDInJungetlhJupawghKachtullaKa"hatKahlessKandruKannonKanthKanthuKaphKaplhaadKapor'AtKappa GeminorumKarhammurKarregheniKathraKavrot javmaH javKedgellanKhitomerKhotarakKinkuthanzaKintirK'KorranKlach D'Kel BrachtK'lai KlinzhaiKlamuthKlathindKlevasKlinzhai (K'lai Klinzhai) • KlorgatKlothosKohlKolothosKoranischatKorgochtKorinarKorregKorrokKorvadKorvusKranKrazKrellKriosKrychekK'TazzaK'thar (K'lai Klinzhai) • K't'ingaK'TinnamKumarKuraK'VortLaktarLambda GeminorumLandauLanderrabbLaurentianLazarraloghLokdarLoskiLothosLujanMaazMaht-H'aMakrechaMarangaMarcanMarciporMarramMazurM'CharMebsutaMempaMinkarmI'qIpeMirachMoHMorskaMoy'HoMrangMuldorMunjebNarendraNathvekraN'derialNegh'varNekkarNereitNgeygh'IngINimbusNItlh'oNo'MatnuHoDNusakanOgatOmega-2 CygniOmicron LeonisOnzaPaghPalgrenaxPayghpemo DoDPenchanPeyg'ovpeypHPhadPhaedusPhebenPhillo'tokPleth'raPlyranaPogh'oypoq'oqPoq'uchP'rangPsi CancriPung'ePuriazpuyDeteQaitosQayngoQepIngqetlh'aghQevuyQey'ghuQeyopoQitlh VaSQojupQo'noS (K'lai Klinzhai) • qovoQ'TahlQua'Khanqul Tuqqu'neDQu'orgQuQ HeymQurelletQu'VatQuwotlhqvaQRaiRaknalRhota'NevRibeldaliaRotanevRotarranRuchbaSadachbiaSadatoniSanurnaSelta AvastamShahkurShermanSifSigma GeminorumSigma KinnaSinnawa LotosSomrawSoq'oySoranT'AcogTaharakTal'Ihnor GatesTarazedTarfTariaxTau LacertaeT'DakkaTegmeniT'ghaTheta HydraeThoQ'jITikaTlhaqtlhonnaQtlhopeptlhoqInutlhuq'onToh'kahtTok'BhulTomantonetlhT'ongToredarTornaToronTozoxTraelusTy'GokorVenatorVeneradtVerianneVeyghVilliamVIy'HeVok-NagralVor'chaVornVor'nakVuriexwey'ItlhWey'vuqWIyQWoqutlhWozXolXuxiazYa'VangYeradY'temYullumyuywongZemicaZeta AurigaeZeta CancriZeta Pictoris Klingon icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (Y)
YaanYaarYadaliaYadowYadraYajjYajoyYalperniYamaraYamexYannidYan'saYan'taraYantaxYantorinYardaYaregaYarelYargothYarnosYdroxYedYed'taraYela TorYeloxYem'pekYentaka's StarYermaYesopYe'varaYildunYinaYldorYlva CygniYlvoraYm'vekYndiraYobnarYodnorYoDSutIj NaQYoki NeeshYomoYondarYonironYorYorubaYoria-3YorzediYosaYosiqulYpresYraYrevaYthiYu DaraanYuhsoYumaYunturaYurenYuvaaYullumYutuqYuywongYvadexYvnys Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (Y) YatilYed Posterior Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (Y) YadallaYagraYa'VangYeradY'temYridia Beta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
