Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Zaka's attendants.

Zaka's attendants were holographic characters, who accompanied a representative of a faction of a simulated race in a variation of the Kobayashi Maru scenario for prospective senior staff-ranking individuals training for Federation Starfleet positions at the dawn of the 25th century.

While there is a chance that these might have been real individuals representing a known species, the content of the holoprogram depicts them as unreasonable in the extreme and it might be considered in poor taste to assign these behaviors to a real species known to the Federation. This species and the representatives were likely fictional.




Their faction's leader, Zaka, held the title of cleric and was part of negotiations being mediated by the officer-in-training.

Zaka's attendants carried staffs and wore brown protective vests.

When Seven of Nine was taking this commander's test in the early 2400s decade, she gave a brief commentary about the achievement of peace between the two factions. Zaka pronounced his faction's gratitude for Seven's achievement as negotiator, to which the opposing side, led by Prelate Zhom responded that they had a greater gratitude. This led Zaka to declare that Zhom's faction should have been more grateful that Zaka's side had agreed to diplomacy, calling them a "rancid cur". Zhom responded that Zaka's matriarch would be the only rancid cur they were aware of. Over Seven's objections, Cleric Zaka stated regret for even participating and used a communicator to signal Zaka's Central Command for an immediate "doomsday launch". Prelate Zhom then called upon their side to begin firing forward batteries without further preparations. The holoprogram ended as a failure. (PIC - Stargazer comic: "Issue 1")


Appearances and references[]

