Zeltok gorillas were an otherwise unnamed sentient species of gorilla living on the planet Zeltok in the 15th century. They became extinct when the planet self-destructed in 1465.
Although these gorillas did not speak, they used a type of gestural language and were adept at constructing buildings. They moved with great agility.
In the 15th century, the gorillas rescued a humanoid Zeltok survivor of a battle against sentient Zeltok ants and brought him to their fortress. They took care of him, and in turn, he became extremely loyal to them.
In 1465, a group of gorillas spotted the Galileo from the starship USS Enterprise and beckoned them to land in a clearing not far from their fortress. Later, when the ants began an assault on the fortress, the shuttle helped defend it with missiles, but the battle seemed hopeless. The humanoid survivor vowed to stand by his friends to the end, and let the shuttle leave without him. (TOS comic: "Vibrations in Time")