Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Zeta Stentor was a star with an associated system, a K class orange star located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

History and specifics[]

The Zeta Stentor system's orbit was the location of a planetary system, including Selkye.

In the year 2266, the starship USS Enterprise visited the system, bringing a small Federation colonial expedition of scientists and technicians to Selkye. The ship departed, but later returned to the system to retrieve the expedition members after they were attacked by Selkye toad humanoids and the planet was deemed unsafe to colonize. (TOS comic: "Planet of the Dead")

The stellar cartography notation using the Greek language letter "zeta" indicates that there might be a star group or constellation of some sort named "Stentor", of which Zeta Stentor would logically be indicated to be the sixth most prominent star or system. A relationship might exist to planet Stentor.

System makeup[]

Zeta Stentor system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (Z)
Z-Micron IIIZaahmZabothZadarZadirZa'faranZalaraZaldonZamamZamordaZanbaZan'drethZaniahZannaduuZantakZantiZan'vadiZardanaZarkiamZarliozZarralZarsiolZarubanZarus ThustraZarziukZastellionZathrokZat'zekZau'rekZavadexZaxx'nZemicaZennaZedadexZed'pekZelaZeldaZelvaZemnaZemvoraZentarian systemZeon MinorZerliurZeronZerrakZersurZerzuxZeta-10 ScorpiiZeta AlphaZeta AntarasZeta CentauriZeta DoriZeta GeminorumZeta Hydra 281Zeta KiladenZeta LorisZeta MaximusZeta MinorisZeta NiobeZeta OrionisZeta PaorZeta RiguliZeta StentorZeta Tau NuZetarZetliZevarusZhamurZhraadZiakkZildiraZimordaZimraZindar system (ZindarZa'faran) • Zior'ivaraZipidexZirenZironZirvekZiti'taraZitronZivaraZnaporZol'varaZolronZonuZorgaZorkiamZornZornazZoronZorralZotorZova RhenZovoxZorziukZozalinZu DaraanZuconaZukeratZumunZuragaZurorZuynanZytchin Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZaranZariaZenstalaZeta AquilaeZeta AurigaeZeta BoötisZeta HerculisZeta MicroscopiiZeta PerseusZeta SagittariiZeta Serpentis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZakdornZaurakZavijavaZeta CancriZeta EridaniZeta FornacisZeta LeonisZeta LeporisZeta PictorisZeta Reticuli (Zeta-2 Reticuli) • Zeta Trianguli AustralisZeta VolantisZibalZosmaZubenZubenhakrabi Beta Quadrant icon image.

