Zevon was a 24th century Romulan man, a member of nobility in the Romulan royal family, holding the title of Duke and being 14th in line to the Emperor's throne in the 2350s decade. By the year 2370, he was 13th in line for the throne.
Zevon was a scientist, who used his nobility to command a research vessel with the rank of centurion. On a mission to the Bal Quonnot and PojjanPiraKot system, Zevon headed up a project investigating quantum carrier-wave beam manipulation of gravity fields for energy-generation purposes with the cooperation of the Bal Quonnot inhabitants of that system. The mission was unsuccessful and resulted in a repeating gravity wave phenomena that devastated the Bal Quonnot's neutral neighbors, the Pojjana of the planet PojjanPiraKot. That world was hit by a gravity wave they called the Constrictor at irregular intervals several times over following years. Zevon himself was eventually taken prisoner by the Pojjana, under the guard of a warden named Orsova.
In 2370, Beverly Crusher worked with Leonard McCoy to develop a serum to a disease that was similar to the prion virus one that had struck Archaria III, only this time it affected the Romulan royal family. The two doctors were able to synthesize a vaccine after obtaining a clean blood sample from Zevon's unborn child, as Zevon and his wife Sykora had been on PojjanPiraKot when the virus struck. (TNG - Double Helix novel: Red Sector)
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