Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Zhamur is a star system that was located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

History and specifics[]

Breen warship at warp

Breen warship.

During the era of the Dominion War, around the 2370s decade, the Breen Confederacy recorded that the Chel Grett-class battle cruiser Reel Tivaan was destroyed at the Zhamur system. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

Since the front lines of the Dominion War encompassed the borders of Breen and Cardassian Union space, it is possible this refers to an Alpha Quadrant location. However, fighting did spread towards the Beta Quadrant so that cannot be conclusively proven for the purposes of this wiki.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (Z)
Z-Micron IIIZaahmZabothZadarZadirZa'faranZalaraZaldonZamamZamordaZanbaZan'drethZaniahZannaduuZantakZantiZan'vadiZardanaZarkiamZarliozZarralZarsiolZarubanZarus ThustraZarziukZastellionZathrokZat'zekZau'rekZavadexZaxx'nZemicaZennaZedadexZed'pekZelaZeldaZelvaZemnaZemvoraZentarian systemZeon MinorZerliurZeronZerrakZersurZerzuxZeta-10 ScorpiiZeta AlphaZeta AntarasZeta CentauriZeta DoriZeta GeminorumZeta Hydra 281Zeta KiladenZeta LorisZeta MaximusZeta MinorisZeta NiobeZeta OrionisZeta PaorZeta RiguliZeta StentorZeta Tau NuZetarZetliZevarusZhamurZhraadZiakkZildiraZimordaZimraZindar system (ZindarZa'faran) • Zior'ivaraZipidexZirenZironZirvekZiti'taraZitronZivaraZnaporZol'varaZolronZonuZorgaZorkiamZornZornazZoronZorralZotorZova RhenZovoxZorziukZozalinZu DaraanZuconaZukeratZumunZuragaZurorZuynanZytchin Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZaranZariaZenstalaZeta AquilaeZeta AurigaeZeta BoötisZeta HerculisZeta MicroscopiiZeta PerseusZeta SagittariiZeta Serpentis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (Z) ZakdornZaurakZavijavaZeta CancriZeta EridaniZeta FornacisZeta LeonisZeta LeporisZeta PictorisZeta Reticuli (Zeta-2 Reticuli) • Zeta Trianguli AustralisZeta VolantisZibalZosmaZubenZubenhakrabi Beta Quadrant icon image.



According to the unpublished RPG module The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon, Zhamur was located in the Alpha Quadrant's Kalandra sector and was the system closest to Kalandra sector's border with the Betazed sector. According to this source, Zhamur was the site of two class M planets, which were colonized by the Betazoids during the 23rd century. The system was one of the battlegrounds during the Battle of the Three Suns, which could be the conflict referenced in Starships. This information is considered apocryphal for the purposes of this wiki, since the license of Last Unicorn Games to publish this source was withdrawn by Paramount Pictures. The reason that the later mention of the system occurred in the later Decipher publication was due to the authors who left LUG being hired to create the Decipher RPG products.

