Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Zina was a female Orion and a slave girl.


In the year 2372, she was purchased by Krassus, an Orion slaver. Zina was valued at less than two bars of latinum for resale, but according to Krassus, worth at least twenty bars for her skills at "physical gratification". Krassus intended to sell her to Barsamis, but took a liking to her and cancelled the sale by killing the buyer. Krassus treated her cruelly, but she was loyal to her master nonetheless.

She was given to Mackenzie Calhoun in 2373 by Krassus to satisfy a gambling debt. She collaborated with Krassus in an attempt on Calhoun's life soon after. The attempt went badly, leaving Krassus dead and Zina stunned by a phaser blast from Jean-Luc Picard. (NF novel: House of Cards)

Zina later gave Calhoun's description to Krut. (NF novel: Restoration)


Appearances and references[]
